Believe in Yourself

Fareham Fireflys

New and experienced players are welcome to apply at any time. Please register interest below and our Membership Officer will contact you directly.

We run squads from Minis (Under 10, but including down to age 8) up to Adult, and many squads have two or more teams, including a Black performance team and an Orange development team.
New and experienced players are welcome to apply at any time. Please complete the form link at the top of this page to register interest and our Membership Officer will contact you directly.
If we have do not have space on the right team at that time then we will put you on our waiting list, and will keep in touch with you with an estimate of when spaces may open up.  If we have space, we will invite you along to a free taster session which will be alongside one of the regular training sessions for that group, so you can meet our coaches and other players, and our coach can discuss any previous netball experience and give you an evaluation to see which team you would best fit into.
For the taster session, we ask that the player comes ready to participate in the training session i.e. in comfortable sportswear e.g. shorts, sports leggings or netball skirt and a t-shirt or similar.  Please make sure appropriate footwear is worn i.e. training shoes, that hair is tied back and no jewellery is worn. Please ensure the player brings along plenty of water / appropriate drink. The training is usually in the sports hall at the venue, it is usually easy to find but, if in doubt, follow the other Fireflys! Please introduce yourself to the coach when you arrive. For junior players, we do ask a parent/guardian to stay for the taster session, there is bench seating available in the hall to watch the training.
After your taster, if the player decides to join Fireflys, our Membership Officer will help you onboard. We will ask for some additional membership details, and you will also need to affiliate with England Netball as the national governing body, the annual cost is between £5 – £20 for junior players, depending on age, and £40 for adults. Our Treasurer will contact you regarding Fireflys membership fees, which are currently £33.50 per month for 10 months, which cover practice sessions and the Cams League matches which all teams play. We use the Heja app for team communications and scheduling, we will send you a link to the team during the onboarding process. We will also provide you with a list of Fireflys team kit which is available on-line or from our Kit Manager.

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